Our mission is to provide land access to under-served communities.
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit farm that holds title to 46 beautiful acres in Webatuck, New York.​
Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our skilled team of professionals is the backbone of A Farm For All New York. Their ideas help shape the direction and mission of our organization as it continues to develop.

Mike has always been on a mission to uplift and help others. He founded Help Ourselves, a non profit dedicated to young minority talent. Currently, he is CEO of one of NYC's leading art magazines, ArtGossipNow. Mike offers his ability to bring out the talent in us all. Mike is out in the community sharing the mission of A Farm For All in social media and around town.

Donna, Schaghticoke, is lead drummer, singer, songwriter and producer for the Native American Music Award winning Women's Group Spirit of Thunderheart. She is a spiritual leader and generously shares her knowledge of local environmental activism, Native Rights and traditional Native Arts. Donna shares her deep spiritual connections with our community.

Amanda has an amazing background working in the non-profit sector: Covenant House International, Coalition for the International Criminal Court, the Cara Pro Bono Project, and others. She is the current Managing Attorney of the Connecticut Immigrant Center where she serves asylum seekers, abused women and those facing deportation. Her dedication is a natural fit for our organization.

Matt has a background in industrial and commercial electrical installations which brought him to a career as a motion picture studio mechanic since 2012. Matt is a lover of the outdoors, and he is passionate about providing space for others to experience the natural world. A Farm For All is grateful to have his talents for future events planned to share the Farm house and land with the community.